
Arizona Senior Housing: Care Options for Seniors Who Can No Longer Live Alone

The following are a few of the care options available for seniors who can no longer live on their own and require assistance with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL), or require skilled nursing care. Every state is a little different in terms of availability and cost, state regulations, and the specific names used for each care option:

Assisted Living Home- A facility consisting of 10 or fewer residents in a private home setting located in residential neighborhoods. Residents have the option of choosing a private or semi-private room. Most homes provide for all levels of care. Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) is provided 24 hours a day. Assisted Living Homes are ideal for those who prefer to live in a home-like setting and do not require skilled nursing care. Monthly prices range from $1,500 to $3,000.

Assisted Living Center- A facility consisting of 11 or more residents. Many of these types of facilities are in the form of apartments or units. Each facility provides assistance with ADLs. Level of assistance may vary depending on the level of care the facility is licensed for. Monthly prices range from $1,800 to $4,500.

Alzheimer's/Memory Care- An assisted living facility consisting of a secure environment geared towards the specific needs of seniors with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. The staff has additional training to care for those who suffer from dementia. Many facilities offer specific activities geared towards memory loss in order to keep residents active, motivated and stimulated. Monthly prices range from $2,600 to $6,000.

Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facility- A facility consisting of skilled nursing care for seniors 24 hours a day. Registered/licensed nurses are on staff 24 hours a day. Therapeutic services are provided to residents when needed. The number of beds varies between facilities, and can range from 11 to over 100 beds. Monthly prices range from $4,000 to $6,000.

Home Care/Home Health Care- There are a variety of services offered to seniors who require assistance with their ADLs but wish to remain in their own home. Home Care agencies provide non-medical services including assistance with meal preparation, laundry services, bathing, dressing and other daily tasks. Home Health agencies provide medical care provided by licensed medical professionals as well as assistance with ADLs. Prices for home care range from $15 to $19/hr, and $100/hr for home health care.

Adult Day Health Care- A facility consisting of structured programs for seniors during the day. Such programs include meals, social activities, and therapy. Adult Day Care is often used for respite care for caregivers who work during the day, or need a break from daily caregiving duties. Facilities range from 16 to 100 seniors. Daily prices range from $40 to $100 depending on the program.

You have permission to use this article as long as the author's full bio is present as well as any hyperlinks to author's website.

Torey Farnsworth has over 12 years of experience working with seniors. Ms. Farnsworth's vast expertise encompasses a wide variety of senior issues ranging from adult care to elder law. Her legal experience includes long term care planning, estate planning, ALTCS eligibility and Medicaid planning. Ms. Farnsworth is also a certified caregiver with the State of Arizona as well as a Certified Senior Advisor. Ms. Farnsworth has spent her career in senior care as her family owns and operates assisted living homes.

Ms. Farnsworth owns and operates a senior care placement business in Arizona called Horizon Senior Care Referral. Her placement services are free to seniors and their families. For information on placement services in Arizona, visit



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Medicare recognizes this need and, therefore reimburses your residents to receive advanced behavioral health services? making them free to your facility!Psychologists provide a wide variety of valuable and tested clinical services that can provide a big shot in the arm to your nursing home care. For example:1.
Arizona Senior Housing: Care Options for Seniors Who Can No Longer Live Alone
The following are a few of the care options available for seniors who can no longer live on their own and require assistance with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL), or require skilled nursing care. Every state is a little different in terms of availability and cost, state regulations, and the specific names used for each care option:Assisted Living Home- A facility consisting of 10 or fewer residents in a private home setting located in residential neighborhoods.
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