
Retiring Abroad and Leaving the Grey Skies of the UK

Retiring abroad needs careful planning. Not all countries have the same entitlement to benefits as the UK and your tax liability may be affected. UK nationals have the right to retire in any European Economic Area (EEA) country. If you intend to move to any other country, you should speak first to the British Consul in that country and its foreign consulate here in the UK.

If you are planning to retire abroad, here are some things to consider: Calculate your retirement income.

Contact the Retirement Pension Forecasting and Advice Unit (RPFA) for a state pension forecast. If you are living abroad then the Inland Revenue can help. Entitlements can vary according to the country of residence Ask the Inland Revenue for information about tax liability on any income over the UK personal allowance. The amount of UK tax you will have to pay from abroad can vary depending on where you decide to live. Seek independent tax advice about any benefits to you held in offshore banking, as this could reduce your tax liability depending on where you plan to live.

Find out about welfare rights abroad.

Some UK benefits are not payable outside the UK, others apply only in the EU or in countries which have agreements with the UK Inform your social security office or Jobcentre Plus, the Inland Revenue National Insurance Contributions Office (International Services) and the Department for Work and Pensions when you move and provide your contact details abroad. You should also tell them if you change address again or return to the UK Find out about health care costs in the country you want to retire to. The Department for Work and Pensions will be able to advice on your rights in EU countries.

Taking care of your health, the most important aspect of preparing to live abroad

Health Care Abroad: There is nothing more important than your health so it is essential that you plan for any eventualities that may occur whilst living abroad. The UK government strongly advises that you take out health insurance to cover private medical and dental treatment, as well as medical repatriation.

Keeping your home in the UK

If you are decide to keep your property in the UK and it is going to be empty or rented out, you will need to let your local council know, and you will also need to look at how the property can be kept secure while you are away.

Contact your local council. The council tax department and the electoral registration unit will need to know when you are planning to move and a forwarding address

The Bills

Notify your utility companies that you are moving in order to get your final bills and provide a forwarding address for them to send you any outstanding payments or refunds tell your bank, building society or any financial institution that you have a policy or agreement with that you are moving abroad have your mail forwarded by asking for a redirection form from the Post Office.

Nicholas Marr
Marr Internatioanl Ltd
Finding your overseas property is just one step away



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Retiring Abroad and Leaving the Grey Skies of the UK
Retiring abroad needs careful planning. Not all countries have the same entitlement to benefits as the UK and your tax liability may be affected.
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